
QCMP SAR is primarily a remote area or wilderness,  mounted SAR team. General missions often involve searching for those reported missing or lost in rural and remote, backcountry areas.  We are not trained in, nor participate in higher risk activities of law enforcement. If the Pinal County Sheriff's office is contacted about a missing person situation, the Sheriff will determine if circumstances warrant the help of QCMP SAR. The QCMP SAR team is prepared to be called out in all kinds of weather and at all times of the day or night. 

QCMP SAR also represents the Pinal County Sheriff's Office in parades and other public functions as well as by participating in charity events. 

• We only respond to an incident at the request of Pinal County Sheriff's department after they or another Authority establishes jurisdiction over the search. 

• A deployed QCMP SAR team consists of at least two (2) riders and two (2) equine mounts. The unit always deploys in pairs or teams.

• Each team is equipped with a handheld 2-way radio programmed with frequencies compatible with law enforcement and other search agencies.

• Each rider is self-sufficient and carries equipment and supplies for a minimum deployment period of 72 hours, including first aid and basic survival equipment.

• Team members (at their own expense) supply their own transportation, fuel, search gear, tack and supplies for themselves and their equine.

• All team members are issued a photo identification card and have submitted to a criminal background check from Pinal County Sheriff’s Office.