Training and Education

All QCMP SAR members have received certifications from the Department of Homeland Security for the National Incident Management System (NIMS), Incident Command System (ICS).  

• FEMA Course IS-100, Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS)
• FEMA Course IS-200, ICS For Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
• FEMA Course IS-700.b, An Introduction to the National Incident Management System (NIMS)
CPR.IO Bloodborne Pathogens
• AZ Basic SAR Academy 

We currently have several members with advanced medical training: M.D., N.D. and R.N. and others who currently hold SARTECH III, SARTECH II, Tracker, WFA, WFR, CPR, AED, BLS and HAM Radio Technician certifications.

Members have completed hours of academic training and field exercises, covering search and rescue related topics such as:

• Search theory and probability
• Lost person behavior
• Clue detection and protection
• Probability of detection
• Map and compass navigation
• Radio communications
• Community emergency response
• Incident Command System protocol
• National Incident Command System protocol